To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online
information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used.
Description of information collected and how we use it.
We use a third-party e-commerce service provided by RegNow to process orders. You can access their privacy policies at
RegNow privacy statement.
We do NOT keep credit card information as part of your product registration. We do keep other information such as
your name, email address, mailing address, and phone number for product registration purposes.
dB Coders may use customer information to
provide you with notices of new information that may be of use or interest to you. This may include Web site update notices, or notification on the
availability of new products, product updates, maintenance releases
and other products.
No statements regarding the product will be
taken or used without prior written consent of the individual making the statement.
Policies Regarding Third Parties
dB Coders does not, trade, rent, or sell the information collected from our site.